AESTHETIC : the qualities that combine to make something look the way it does. I am drawn to this photo because of the pale light, and the attempt to "catch/hold" light. I also like the gesture of the hand. CAMERA OBSCURA: a blacked-out chamber with a small pinhole through which light gets compressed. First recorded observation was by Mo Ti, in China, circa 400 BC/BCE. EXPOSURE - length of time light enters the camera. OVER EXPOSURE - too much light UNDER EXPOSURE - too little light FOCAL POINT: the center of interest/activity. EXPOSURE TRIANGLE: APERTURE - the opening (into the camera). SHUTTER - mechanism that allows light to enter the camera for precise periods of time. ISO - the sensitivity (to light) of the sensor/film APERTURE: (APERTURE &) DEPTH OF FIELD Aperture is the size of the opening into camera, and the larger the aperture (opening...