The Demons inside of us all.
Me sitting on the ground: This symbolizes the curiosity within me. i am facing the light because it's showing that I want to be more positive about everything in life, but the darkness that is shown more to the right is kind of sucking me in.
The "Demon": This symbolizes again, how the negative feelings and thoughts come creeping in, especially when they are not really wanted. It is also dark because again, it is more like the darkness within me that likes to creep up and suck me into negative thoughts and feelings
The wings on the "Demon": This symbolizes more of the darkness within me and show how "beautiful" it can end up being some of your worst enemies.

The Little Things:
The confetti: The confetti is meant to symbolize the little things that make me happy in life, like small waves in public from strangers, or that small smile that says "Hello" without actually having it said to be polite. Or the people who make jokes to put a smile on someone's face. Or just simply seeing friends and family, and anyone in general being happy and enjoying life.
The paint on my face: This symbolizes my creativity or my "true colors" within my happiness. As well with the clothes I am wearing (a light pink shirt tucked into a floral skirt.) 
The background: The background symbolizes the contrast people can have when someone is happy. Other might be purposely trying to bring you down, with insults or bullying you, but this show you can pull through, and be bigger than the words that may get thrown at you. Rise above them and show where ever or just life in general that they don't affect you and you can be resilient with life.

The Feeling of being Invisible:
The laying down fade: This symbolizes the thoughts I have, looking at myself in the mirror, contemplating everything that as been racking at my brain for a while.
The sitting up fade: This represents the feeling i have when i feeling invisible. i just want to lay down, anywhere where I can, and just stay there for a while.
The darkness/lighting: I chose this kind of lighting because really it just help the symbolization I had for my ideas

Questions:1. In what ways have you gotten better at this kind of work?
I think I have gotten better at this kind of work by really need to be calm and composed when I take photos of myself, having the kind of emotion and keeping it to what I had imagined it to be.
2. Does this work tell a story?
Yes, this work I have done, tells mostly about my thoughts, and though process, and how I try to deal with certain things and how I WANT to deal with things, but sometimes I can't really do it the way I want to, my inner "demons" seep through
3. What was especially satisfying to you about wither the process or the finished product?
Something really satisfying about the process of the whole project was the "modeling" I had to do for all of my pictures, and of the editing for the wings on my "demon"
4. What does this tell you about yourself and how you learn?
It shows my inner self, and how I process things.
5. What grade would you give it and why?
I would probably give myself a B or a C because I feel like I could have done more, with the editing and the typing and answering of these question.
6. If someone else were looking at the piece what would they learn about who you are?
I think they might learn that in some ways I am a dark person, or a deep person who overthinks most things sometimes.
7. One thing I would like to improve on
One thing I would like to improve on going forward is the editing that I can do, I believe I could have done better with the editing and the amount of time I spent on each of them could have been more, so it would look more visually appealing
8.What other things may you need more help with?
I would need more help understanding more of the photoshop functions and how to use them more efficiently when I edit pictures.


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